Decision 2008
I have finally, after months of research and deliberation, decided on who I will support for the upcoming Presidential elections. So, as my contribution to his cause I have added a couple of things on this site along with my myspace..:)
Why Have I chosen this Man? It's quite simple, really. I like his stance on several issues.
What is his Plan?
1) Restoring America's Moral Leadership in the World
2) Guaranteeing Affordable, Quality Health Care for Every American
3) Eliminating Poverty
4) Strengthening America's Middle Class
5) Leading the Fight against Global Warming and Our Addiction to Foreign Oil
I am not so naive as to believe that any "one" President can implement everything that he sets out to do. But, I do know this, it is time for change. America NEEDS to find her voice once again. Instead of sitting back in the background allowing "money" to decide our countries future, the COMMON man (yes, that means YOU and ME) has to stand up and fight for change.
I get tired of hearing "I am just one person, what kind of change can I possibly bring about?" All I have to say to that is it's a DAMN good thing that Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Benjamin Franklin or Henry Ford (just to name a few) didn't feel that way....
I don't care who you support, but I do implore you to FIND your voice and let it be heard....
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