"No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness." Aristotle

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Politics Of War...

My pops and I had an interesting conversation yesterday about the political state of the world. Me, being who I am, and that being a person that loves to throw chaos upon a perfectly normal situation and sit back and watch the show; provoked him about his boy(GWB)....

I was surprised to hear him admit some things though and I was proud. To hear a die hard Republican admit that Change MUST happen was a good thing.... Personally, my thoughts on this mess is this:

Take our boys out and who we want in power, save back a few "key" members then NUKE them. Send them all to hell because I am tired of sitting here listening to all the politics of it.... I am tired of the media focusing on the bad, especially when they are degrading and demeaning our men and women who defend their right to say what they do.

Media has NO place in a war zone.....Get them the fuck out of there, let our troops do what needs to be done... Mass genocide, etc I don't care.... Something has to change.... Let them shoot upon sight if they feel threatened without putting them through the wringer afterwards....
There IS NO MORALITY in WAR!!! If our people would let us fight this war the way it needs to be fought, this shit would've been under control a long time ago... I could give a fuck less if an innocent man, woman or child is killed. That, my friends is war....

In fact, I think our soldiers should get a bonus for every fucking head they bring back. Let the rage of our people TRULY reign down upon them and lets see how long it will take before they get the message... Quit fucking with us, quit being fucking pussies with your little IED'S and Mortar Rounds, stand up with a gun and fight face to face... Quit hiding in the Shadows.... That is a cowards war.....

I have said it a million times before there hasn't been peace in that region for thousands of years and there will never be. Is there hope for this region?? Hell no, it will never be what our government envisions....

Let them kill each other off or let us do it the right way and that's all I'm going to say about that.